If we want to show different set of components in Home page for different users, we can use ‘Set component visibility’ feature in lightning App Builder page to show or hide the component in home page. Apps and App – profile: Assigned to different apps and app with the selected profiles.Org default: Assigned for all the users in the org. Lightning App Builder Salesforce Trailhead +2,100 points Module Lightning App Builder Build custom pages for Lightning Experience quickly with point-and-click tools.Let us discuss more on how to build the home page for different users. Also, assigning the Home page to the set of users based on value s in their User reco rd or other related record s can be done by setting the component visibility and cust om permission. You need to go to quick search box and search for 'lightning app builder'.

Implementing home page for different set of user s based on their profile or app – profile can be done directly while activating the page. Lightning App Builder, which provides drag and drop possibilities to enable seamless app creation and customization. Lightning app builder is enabled by default.